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Why is Localization Crucial to Your Global SEO Strategy?

Going international with your service or product is a big step to make. To make that transition smoother and more successful, go for localization instead of just a simple translation as an element of your SEO strategy. Why?

With the e-commerce sector breaking the records due to the pandemic, many companies have decided to go fully online in order to maximize sales. With more users than ever shopping online, entering international markets is a great opportunity. But since numerous businesses have decided to make the same move at the same time, it's not easy to stand out from the internet crowd. A well-thought SEO strategy is a must - and it should include localization. What does it really mean? How to localize the content when creating a multilingual version of the Let's break down this issue and its significance in international SEO. 

Global SEO Strategy

What is localization?
Localization covers translation, but it goes far beyond it. Its purpose is to speak the language of the local users. It makes the content more friendly for the search engines, but also improves user experience. Localization also means adjusting the content and its presentation to their preferences. It's an essential element of global SEO.

Why is localization crucial to SEO strategy success?
When it comes to global SEO, localization is essential. When expanding to the international markets, it's not enough to translate your site to the target country's language. Even if the translation is done well, it may not go in line with what users search for and thus be useless in terms of search engine optimization. In their languages, it may not be common to use a particular keyword, even though technically it's correct. For example: in Poland, the users would search for smartfon, and in Portugal for smartphone even though you can translate this word for Portuguese.

Also, it's worth remembering that creating one language version is often not enough. To localize for an Australian or UK market, you may need to create another English version. The same goes for Spanish and Portuguese. Each country where these languages are spoken has its unique, often every day expressions. When creating pages in different language, remember to indicate their connection to the search engines using hreflang tags.

What else can you localize?
As we've already mentioned, aside from written content, you can also localize the visuals on your website or shopping platform. Users from different parts of the world may have various preferences when it comes to the interface - including the general aesthetics, the structure of the information, and the way they're navigated through the purchase process. You should take that into consideration to maximize international sales.

Even colors may be subject to localization. Some cultures associate particular colors with different symbols/emotions. Take white - in the Western cultures, it's associated with neutrality and purity, while in some Eastern ones, with death and grief. Take it into account when optimizing the website for your target foregin audience.

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